Springtime: Shaken, Not Stirred

Springtime: Shaken, Not Stirred

Growing up in Connecticut, spring embodied an awakening of the senses.  After months of bitter cold and winter's dreary palette of white and grey, spring was a welcome burst of fragrant flowers, blue skies, and sun-kissed shoulders.  While L.A. doesn't have such a drastic change of seasons, springtime's arrival still delights me.  My Elysian Park hikes have wildflowers galore, the wisteria vines pop purple, and the farmers markets team with seasonal goodness, like pea tendrils, fava beans and green garlic. 

April's bounty is even affecting my beverage consumption, inspiring me to sample garden-variety cocktails all over town.  Here are my favorite ways to get your daily allowance of fruits, veggies, and intoxication.

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Last Supper @ Lou

Last Supper @ Lou

Three years ago, I discovered Lou Amdur and his eponymous wine bar. After one visit and many glasses, I was hooked. First, by Lou's infectious love & knowledge of all things oenological and the esoteric wine list (with non-traditional, yet evocative descriptions like "unfucked up" and "ephemeral"). Then, the seasonally-driven menu of DJ Olsen, a chef who frequents the Santa Monica Farmers Market so often he's a regular on KCRW's Good Food. An awesome waitstaff and friendly regulars create a convivial vibe. At Lou, one is never lonely dining alone; one night, a conversation amongst strangers at the communal table lead to a Seder invitation.

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